Julie is an

for a better morning after.
If you've recently had unprotected sex, there's a
single pill
that helps stop pregnancy before it starts.
why Julie?
why Julie?
The sooner you take it, the better it works. Julie works when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex.**
*like when a condom breaks, you forgot your birth control yesterday, or you're using less accurate methods like the pullout or rhythm method. Julie should not be used for regular birth control.

Okay, but how does julie work?
Not unlike hormonal birth control, Julie simply stops your body from releasing an egg. It uses a medication called levonorgestrel
This is

The active chemical in Julie, and other emergency contraceptives like Plan B One-Step®
This is

Which your body makes naturally. It’s part of what regulates your period.
No egg
No fertilization
No pregnancy
Possible side effects
Nausea or vomiting
Bleeding between periods or heavier-than-usual menstrual bleeding
Lower abdominal pain or cramps
Breast tenderness
FDA approved
FDA approved
FDA approved
FDA approved

Julie is safe
Julie does not impact
future fertility
Julie is here when
you need it